Saving Lives From COVID-19

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Los Angeles’ African American and Latino residents are dying at the highest rates due to COVID-19. UPI is taking urgent action to save the lives of people of color in Los Angeles’ most underserved and marginalized communities. Now more than ever, UPI remains dedicated to ensuring the health and safety of our most vulnerable communities of color during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Together with Chapter T.W.O., H.E.L.P.E.R., Resilient, and Breaking Through Barriers to Success our community health workers have reached 32,113 people!

Our 121 community health workers continue their efforts on the frontlines to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, ensure vaccine access, as well as provide essential food supplies and PPE. H.E.L.P.E.R. Foundation ensured Superior Grocer's whole staff was vaccinated. Resilient connected with a network of local taco trucks to ensure their entire staff signed up for vaccine appointments. Each week, Chapter T.W.O. is further supporting residents with food distributions for 200 families.

UPI’s Emergency Response to Save the Lives of People of Color

·       UPI and violence intervention partners pivoted to act as community health workers, reaching 32,113 residents

·       Training 250 community health workers to reach undeserved communities

·       Leading weekly public health trainings with over 120 gang intervention providers as they pivot from violence interrupters, to virus interrupters.

·       Providing 400,000 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) kits to protect the health of essential gang outreach workers, their clients, as well as local residents.

·       Distributing 2,000 meals to families impacted by COVID-19

·       Advocating for the release of 600 youth from dangerous incarceration conditions in Los Angeles County to protect them from COVID-19 infection.

However, we can’t do it alone. We need the help of our partners and supporters as the pandemic continues.

Donate today to help UPI save lives and provide PPE in Los Angeles’ most vulnerable communities.

Detour Mentoring Group receives PPE supplies from UPI.

Detour Mentoring Group receives PPE supplies from UPI.

HELPER Foundation distributes urgently needed food supplies in South Los Angeles.

HELPER Foundation distributes urgently needed food supplies in South Los Angeles.
