UPI Welcomes Paula Litt to our Board!
This past weekend, the Urban Peace Institute welcomed Paula Litt to the organization's Board of Directors. Paula will be embarking on this leadership role at a pivotal moment for Los Angeles to reimagine public safety and combat a historic rise in gun violence. Urban Peace Institute Co-Founder Connie Rice and Executive Director Fernando Rejón honored Paula's new leadership position as well as presented on the organization's innovative approach to create safety in communities of color. Both Connie and Fernando discussed the crucial need to expand the number of peacemakers who can act as credible messengers to reduce violence, as well as our unique efforts to promote relationship-based policing in Los Angeles.
Thank you to our supporters who continue alongside our journey to create safe and healthy communities for all. We are grateful to have Paula Litt’s leadership as we work to reduce violence. Together, we will establish safety for those who have been impacted by historical injustices for generations.